Educational Website: I wanted to make the website have a strong but interesting feeling to it. The website uses images are interesting and the content is kept short and to the point. The navigation is created so that there is many different ways to navigate the website. I wanted to give it a modern graffiti look. The rats are done in a rough style and they are interesting and to me seem like small rebels that pop up around the site. The overall feeling is one that will interest teens, its professional and grown up enough to not turn them off but not so corporate that it lacks appeal. The logo for the website and the ISK foundation logo are done by Sarah Paulus. The Facebook and Twitter icons where changed to match the website. The rat’s character designs were call created by Sarah Paulus. Help Icon done with the use of symbols found in the Photoshop default settings.
Design Brief PDF Launch Design Brief
Designed to deliver rich content without the need for additional plugins for everything from animation to graphics, music to movies, and can also be used to build complicated web applications.
With PHP, you can connect to and manipulate databases. MySQL is the most popular database system used with PHP. Together they help create a great interactive websites.
Flash-based web-sites can look not like web-sites at all; Flash-design tends to use colorful, dynamic, loud and extremely vibrant approach to the art of design.